Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
This report provides you with an overview of crime trends in the area of responsibility of Düsseldorf Police Headquarters for the year 2023. The total number of all known crimes last year was 79,372. In 2022, the figure was 71,173. This represents an increase of 11.52 percent. In 2013, however, this figure was still 87,610 crimes.
The pleasing increase in the clearance rate of 1.77% to almost 50% should not hide the fact that we are seeing some significant increases in individual crime areas.
In particular, the increase in crimes that affect citizens' sense of security requires our special attention. The crimes committed, such as robbery and assault, show an increased propensity for violence and the use of violence, in some cases involving the use of weapons and prohibited objects.
Robbery crimes on streets, paths or squares increased from 240 to 378 (+57 percent), while dangerous and grievous bodily harm crimes committed in these places rose by 14.3 percent. We are taking targeted countermeasures here by including these crime phenomena as priorities in our security program. All directorates are working hand in hand to ensure that we sustainably reduce the figures and that people in
Düsseldorf continue to feel safe.
This starts with our presence at hotspots, continues with weapons ban zones and extends to concentrated investigative work in the police stations. One example of this is the success of "EK Sternwart", in which we were able to solve numerous robberies (see appendix).
The number of domestic burglaries has increased by more than 40 percent compared to the previous year. Even if the overall figures are still well below the pre-corona level, we have to make a special effort to signal to the perpetrators that Düsseldorf is no place for burglars.
We contribute to this through consistent intervention and recurring focus campaigns. But you as a citizen can also take simple precautions to make your home unattractive to burglars. Make it as difficult as possible for burglars. Our crime prevention specialists will be happy to advise you on this.
In the months since I took office, I have seen for myself that all employees of the police headquarters are working with a great deal of energy and perseverance to continue to make the state capital attractive, liveable and safe for everyone.
Miriam Brauns
Police Commissioner